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  • resume - Every year, thousands of Tour de France fans gather along strategic points of the race route in hopes of catching a glimpse of the competition. Some will go down in posterity, caught in glimpses of the congested crowd by cameras chasing the action; others will manage to seize snapshots of the cyclists in a long-awaited moment that's over far too soon. This time, two Belgian documentary filmmakers hand the mic over to these Tour "regulars" who, in some cases, arrive with trailer-in-tow a week before the event to secure the best possible position. In this behind-the-scenes look at the most prestigious cycling race in the world, HOLY TOUR reveals the human side to a mega-sports event riddled with tenderness and humor
  • writer - Valéry Rosier
  • genre - Documentary
  • Méryl Fortunat-Rossi


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